Conduct and Discipline

Students enrolling at West Coast University assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the University’s function as an educational institution of higher learning. The University expects its students to conduct themselves as responsible individuals, considerate and respectful of the rights and interests of others. The University’s mission reflects an intention to partner with students in their preparation for a professional career, and part of the education experience for students pertains to the kind of behavior that is acceptable in professional settings. Honesty, integrity, and respect for others is an integral expectation of student conduct. If a student’s conduct does not conform to the above stated standards, University officials will follow a course of action deemed appropriate up to and including dismissal from a course and potentially suspension or dismissal from the University.

Specific behaviors that are unacceptable within the classroom setting include the use of cell phones or any technology that is not intended for the express benefit of the learning experience and approved by the faculty. Disruptive behavior, including conversations unsanctioned by the faculty, is unacceptable.