Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

The possession or use of drugs or alcohol is strictly forbidden on West Coast University premises or during any University sponsored activities conducted off-campus. Faculty and student peers have an obligation to act on concerns regarding alcohol or drug abuse or dependency when encountered within the University academic community. Students who need counseling assistance for drug or alcohol dependency should contact the Student Services Department for a list of resources. All referrals will be kept confidential. Information on drug abuse prevention is available from the Student Services Department for students or the Human Resources Department for employees.

West Coast University adheres to the following prohibitions regarding drugs and alcohol:

  1. Students may not possess or be under the influence of alcohol while in classroom  or clinical settings.
  2. Students may not be under the influence of drugs, i.e. controlled substances, or prescription drugs, when there is the possibility that such use may impair the learning process in a classroom setting or impair the student's ability to safely perform patient care in the clinical setting. 
  3. Students may not be involved in the illegal possession, distribution, sale, use or purchase of a controlled substance.

The following guidelines describe the actions that may be taken when students are suspected of violating drug or alcohol policies:

  1. Faculty are obligated to take immediate action if a student involved in a University program is suspected, based on inappropriate conduct, physical symptoms, or other indicators, of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  2. Faculty or peers who suspect a student of alcohol or drug use/dependency (based on a pattern of behavior consistent with impairment) will document specific behaviors or confirmed evidence of such impairment. This will be submitted in writing to the academic program Dean/Chair who will determine the action to be taken. If the academic program Dean/Chair and involved faculty believe the evidence is compelling and indicates violation of drug and alcohol policies, the student will be referred to the Student Conduct Committee whereby the concerns and related evidence will be addressed.
  3. If reasonable suspicion of alcohol or drug use occurs in the classroom or clinical setting, the student will be immediately removed from that setting. The faculty member will discuss the concerns with the student. If reasonable suspicion still exists, the academic program Dean/Chair (or Executive Director in his/her absence) will be informed and will determine what actions need to be taken. Screening for drugs or alcohol will be required. The student will have to give consent for such testing, and authorization for results to be made available to the University. All testing costs will be the responsibility of the student.