University Academic Freedom and Responsibility

West Coast University supports an environment of open investigation and animated discourse in the pursuit of enhanced student learning. In the spirit of Academic Freedom, faculty members are encouraged to engage in an exhaustive quest of relevant inquiry that is free from outside intervention. Faculty members have the right and responsibility to express their understanding of the facts related to the subject matter in a manner that is educationally effective and professionally appropriate; furthermore, faculty are expected to engage in continuous assessment and programmatic self-reflection to ensure students demonstrate competence in identified learning outcomes. Faculty members are expected to keep abreast of developments in the field and to share their knowledge with students. Within the University’s model of shared governance, faculty members are urged to collaborate with colleagues to identify opportunities for improvement in scholarship, teaching and learning.

Curricular consistency is paramount to a culture of assessment that embraces ongoing student learning assessment, program evaluation, and responsive change. Accordingly, faculty share co-ownership over a common curriculum, whereby all courses are taught in alignment with a faculty-developed master syllabus. It is recognized that faculty members possess broad differences in areas of expertise, research interests, and styles of instructional delivery. This richness of diversity powerfully contributes to a learning environment that produces original thought, creative inspiration, and critical reasoning skills. In summation, Academic Freedom is interwoven into all teaching and learning processes that sustain learning outcomes and ultimately produce lifelong contributions to society.

Similarly, staff members have the right and responsibility to keep abreast of developments in their professional fields, and to share knowledge with their colleagues in the field. West Coast University expects that staff members will express this freedom in an appropriate way in compliance with their professional responsibilities to serve students, faculty and the institution.