PA 536 Patient Assessment & Counseling III with Lab

Builds on prior knowledge and skills obtained in earlier course. Formulates knowledge and skills required to obtain and document a complete medical history and physical examination. Observational and listening skills, appropriate equipment, proper techniques, and accurate medical documentation and terminology are practiced to document findings.  In-depth learning continues about the medical record, oral presentations, writing and documentation skills for paper and electronic medical records (EMR) will be produced. All previously learned material is practiced at a high-level of thinking required for entry to clinical education while also incorporating telemedicine techniques. History taking and physical examination skills cover head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat (ENT), endocrine, obstetrics/gynecology (OB/Gyn), pediatric, emergency medicine, surgery, geriatric/palliative care. Course delivery methods for teaching and learning include lectures, small groups, simulation/encounters, and facilitated labs.  
