Student/Employee Fraternization

Employees of West Coast University are prohibited, under any circumstances, to date or engage in any improper  fraternization  or  undue  familiarity  with  students,  regardless  of  the  student’s  age and/or regardless of whether the student may have “consented” to such conduct. Further, employees must not entertain students or socialize with students outside of the University environment. Similarly, any action or comment by an employee which invites romantic or sexual involvement with a student is considered highly unethical, in violation of University policy, and may result in disciplinary action by the University. Inappropriate and unacceptable employee behavior includes, but is not limited to, dating; requests for sexual activity; physical displays of affection; giving inappropriate personal gifts; frequent personal communication with a student (via phone, e-mail, letters, notes, text messaging, etc.) unrelated to course work or official University matters; giving or accepting rides, giving or offering housing, selling or buying anything of more than nominal value, providing alcohol or drugs to students; inappropriate touching; and engaging in sexual contact and/or sexual relations.

Students are also expected to behave in a professional manner towards faculty and staff and must follow the same guidelines as presented for employees.  If a student witnesses or hears of an instructor or staff person’s participation in an inappropriate relationship with a student, the incident should be reported to the campus Executive Director immediately.